all postcodes in GU10 / FARNHAM

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU10 3AA 9 0 51.17526 -0.789079
GU10 3AB 6 1 51.174307 -0.789046
GU10 3AD 2 0 51.176569 -0.790686
GU10 3AR 8 0 51.176737 -0.792774
GU10 3AE 7 0 51.179227 -0.790935
GU10 3AF 3 0 51.18217 -0.792904
GU10 3AG 6 0 51.182188 -0.791129
GU10 3AH 1 1 51.182979 -0.794571
GU10 3AJ 10 0 51.181554 -0.797741
GU10 3AL 6 0 51.180343 -0.800577
GU10 3AN 11 1 51.178221 -0.803236
GU10 3AP 1 1 51.178821 -0.798599
GU10 3AQ 2 0 51.183851 -0.791354
GU10 3AS 6 0 51.179484 -0.793203
GU10 3AT 14 1 51.176919 -0.79553
GU10 3AU 17 0 51.17469 -0.796829
GU10 3AW 11 0 51.179901 -0.800431
GU10 3AX 2 0 51.175148 -0.797647
GU10 3AY 5 0 51.173688 -0.797045
GU10 3BA 4 0 51.173863 -0.799172